In olden days, the profession of the people decided their caste. This system has now been broken. Today, individuals have the freedom to opt for any profession irrespective of caste. The profession based caste system has now been transformed into birth-based caste system. People of various castes and sub-castes reside in Rajasthan.
The Rajputs, who were the rulers of most of the erstwhile princely states of Rajasthan, form a major group of residents of Rajasthan. Rajputs are generally stoutly built people of good height. The Rajputs generally worshipped the Sun, Shiva, and Vishnu. Vedic religion is still followed by the Rajputs. All the auspicious and inauspicious activities are done in accordance to the Vedic traditions. The other castes found in Rajasthan are as folows:
Brahmins : Their main occupation was worshipping and performance of religious rites.
Vaishya : These people generally took up business as their source of livelihood. These days they are settled in every nook and corner of the country.
There is a large group of agricultural castes to be found in Rajasthan. These people depend on Agriculture for their livelihood . Some of these castes are Jat, Gurjar, Mali, Kalvi etc.
Irrespective of the birth-based caste system, each individual is free to follow the profession / occupation as per choice, in modern Rajasthan.
Many tribes are also found in different parts of Rajasthan. These tribes have their own social systems and customs. Some of the commonly known tribes are Meena, Bhil, Garasia, Sansi, Kanjar.
The religion and costumes of the tribes vary. They each have their own religion, costumes and profession.
The religion followed by Rajasthanis, in general, is the Hindu religion. Various other religions are also prevalent in Rajasthan. Some of these religions are:
Jain Religion The Jains follow the teachings of Lord Mahavira, the 24th Tirthankara. Mahavira stressed on the practice of Non-violence.
Sikh Religion Over time, there has been a considerable increase in the number of followers of Sikh religion. The Sikhs believe in formless God and worship their holy book 'Guru Granth Sahib'
Some other major religions that are followed are Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Parsi religion.
The study of the people of Rajasthan is incomplete without the knowledge of costumes and ornaments. The costumes of the present have the reflections of the costumes of the past. .
Both males and females dress in the customary dresses fully influenced by climate, economy, status and the profession, they are engaged. The traditional dresses being Potia, Dhoti, Banda, Angrakhi, Bugatari, Pachewara, Khol, Dhabla, amongst Hindus; and Tilak, Burga, Achkan amongst Muslims which fast changing now with Bushirt, Salwar and Skirts, Saris and Pants accordingly. Turbans the head dress of Rajasthan is a differential pattern of each geographical region designed to its terrain and climatic influence. Clothes express ones personality and tell people which village and caste they belong.
All over Rajasthan the bandhni, tie-dye sari and turban reign supreme.
The common dress of the women constitutes (i) Sari or Odhani, (ii) Kanchli or Kunchuki or Choli (iii) Ghaghra or Ghaghri or Lahanga Besides, the women of high status and ranks wear dupatta and patka. The use of chappals or sandals or jutees is also common but ladies of high families use coloured sandals studded with gold threads and stars.Thus, it is concluded that the costumes of women are very colourful and fascinating.
He use of ornaments dates back to the prehistoric times with the passage of time new designs and varieties replace the old ones but still there are ornaments which were used in the past and are still used in the present.
Both men and women wear ornaments but with the passage of time, men are giving up their use.The ornaments of gold and silver are more prevalent in Rajasthan. There are certain ornaments which are used by men.
In daily use the ladies wear normal ornaments of neck, hand, nose and ear but on special occasions and social functions. Women wear all the ornaments of different parts of the body to look beautiful and attractive. For its exquisite designs and delicacy of art Rajasthan Jewelry is a rage not only for ladies of India but also for women of foreign countries.
PACE, mi chiamo Jessica e sono la mamma di MATTIA un bimbo di 3anni nato senza battito cardiaco quindi, nato asfittico(mancanza d'ossigeno) cioe' nato MORTO!!! A 5 mesi gli diagnosticarono la Sindrome di West, una forma epilettica che porta ritardo mentale e psicomotorio, ma dopo massaggio cardiaco il piccolo ha ripreso a vivere ma, data l'asfissia, ha avuto danni al cervello, in quanto subisce paralisi celebrale. Fù immediatamente trasferito presso un'altro ospedale distante dall' ospedale di Milazzo, al Policlinico di Messina. Vidi mio figlio dopo 1 giorni, pieno di oggetti esterni che cercavano di tenere in vita il suo corpicino pieno di tremori(clonie) ed inanime, imbottito di farmaci, con aghi infilzati dovunque, ebbe 5 trasfusioni, lo stesso giorno che lo vide il primario ci disse che era gravissimo e che secondo loro non avrebbe vissuto molto, per ben 4 volte ci dissero che stava per andarsene e con lui credo, anche noi... attorno al piccolo Mattia i miei occhi vedevano cose che prima immaginavo solamente, vedevo morire bimbi che dopo pochi giorni di ricovero(terapia intensiva) lasciavano l'ospedale per essere portati non tra le braccia dei genitori ma.. al cimitero. Non vi lascio immaginare... Io rimasi ricoverata in ospedale per 7 lunghissimi mesi, senza andare a casa. Non vi dico il dolore, fino ad oggi il piccolo MATTIA ha vinto tante battaglie non per le proprie forze, ma perche' Dio e' stato misericordioso con noi Egli ci sta' sostenendo con il suo Spirito che, dice continuamente al mio cuore..
"Non temere, poichè io sono con te; non ti smarrire poichè io sono il tuo Dio; io ti fortifico, io ti soccorro... Non temere, io ti aiuto!(Isaia 41:10-13)
Ora speriamo solo che, chi legge questo blog ci possa aiutare ..........adesso grazie al consiglio di una mamma forte, abbiamo trovato un ottimo centro riabilitativo dove viene trattata l'ossigeno terapia oltre la fisioterapia e la pediatria, con una tecnica che qui in Italia non tratta nessuno, questo Centro, purtroppo si trova negli Stati Uniti, in Florida, altri bambini sono riusciti a camminare e a parlare. Ogni anno (3 anni in tutto) verrebbe a costare circa 300.000,00 euro !!Per questo chiedo aiuto a tutti voi!!
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