RAS Result Fact File Competition Exam PING 4 HELP FORUM

May 28, 2007


by Naresh 0 comments


Civil Services Main Examination
General Studies
Model Paper

Paper I

Q. 1 Answer any ONE of the following (in about 250 words each) (250/30)

a) Critically analyse the contribution of Swarjists to the freedom movement.

b) What are the major differences between Mountbatten Plan and Cabinet Mission and what was the Muslim League and Congress reaction to them?
Q.2 What are the major differences between Mountbatten Plan and Cabinet Mission and what was the Muslim League and Congress reaction to them?

a) Discuss the reasons for the failure of Round Table Conferences.

b) Civil Disobedience Movement is a milestone in Indian Freedom struggle. Comment.

c) Trace the growth of Home Rule Movement in India.
Q.3 Write about the following (not exceeding 20 words each). (20/15X2=30)

i. Rigveda
ii. Perala Cherala incident
iii. Swetambara
iv. Ali brothers
v. Moplah Uprisings
vi. M N Roy
vii. Sir Thomus Munro
viii. Satya Sodhak Samaj
ix. E V Ramaswamy Naicker
x. Veerapandya Kattabommam
xi. N M Joshi
xii. William Jones
xiii. Montegue Chemsford Reforms
xiv. Pattabhi Sitaramaiah
xv. Ilbert Bill
Q.4 Answer any TWO of the following (in about 125 words each) ; (125/10X2=20)

(a) Discuss National Rural Health Mission – its need and contents.

(b) What is meant by knowledge economy? How well prepared is India to tap the opportunities offered by knowledge economy?

(c) Ban on Child Labour

Write short notes on the following (in about 20 words each): (20/5X2=10)

a) Mangroves
b) Agro climatic zone
c) Project Tiger
d) Ramsar convention
e) Carbon credits
Q.6 Answer any ONE of the following (in about 250 words): (250/30)

a) What is affirmative action? Do you support caste as the basis for it?
b) Discuss Supreme Court verdict in the Bihar Assembly dissolution case 2006.
Q.7 State the roadmap to Constitutional governance in Iraq. What are the road blocks?
Q. 8

Answer any TWO of the following (in about 150 words): (150/15X2=30)

a) What is the Office of Profit controversy? On what grounds did the President of India seek reconsideration and repassage of the Bill recently? How was the controversy resolved?

b) Mention the composition and functions of the Central Information Commission.

c) What are the recent advances in parliamentary control over the financial system?
Q.9. Answer the following in about 20 words each (20/5X2=10)

a) Westminster type of democracy
b) Mandamus
c) Doctrine of eclipse
d) Breach of privilege
e) Art.163
Q.10. Write on any ONE of the following (in about 250 words): (30)

a) Left-wing Naxalism is posing a threat to the internal security of the nation. Account for its emergence and discuss measures taken by the government to control it.

b) What major changes do you propose to strengthen the United Nations in its responsibility to secure international peace and security?
Q.11. Write on any TWO of the following (in about 125 words): (250/30)

a) Drug Abuse in India is a serious problem. Explain the steps taken by the government to eradicate it.


c) Business Process Outsourcing and India’s advantages .
Q.12. Write on any TWO of the following (in about 125 words): (250/30)

a) Demographic dividend and India
b) Recent reforms to criminal justice system in India
c) Second administrative reforms commission and its relevance and scope.
Q.13. Write about the following (in about 20 words each): (20/5X2=20)

a) Forward Markets Commission
b) Press Council

Civil Services Main Examination 2006
Model Paper
General Studies

Paper 2

Q. 1 Answer any two of the following (Not more than 150 words each) (150/15X2=30)

a) Why is India critical of Pakistan’s attitude towards SAFTA?

b) What does India gain from the nuclear cooperation programme agreed to between India and the US? What are the costs?
Q.2 Answer the following (Answer to each question should be in about 20 words) : (20/5X2=10)

b) Straw poll for the post of the UNSG
c) Detente
d) Gujral doctrine
e) Shanghai Cooperation Organization
Q.3 Answer the following (Answer to each question should be in about 20 words) : (20/5X2=10)

a) Green card
b) What is the main function of the newly created Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs?
d) What is Overseas Corporate Body
e) What was the concession granted to Gulf NRIs in the 4th Prawasi Bharatiya Diwas held in January 2006 in Hyderabad?
Q.4 Answer any ONE of the following (in about 250 words ) : (250/30)

a) What is `strategic sale’ of the Public Sector Enterprises in India ? Why is there criticism?

b) If inflation is caused by global crude prices rising, why is the Reserve Bank of India increasing the repo rates?

Answer any TWO of the following (in 150 words each )

a) Account for the tax-GDP ratio in India increasing.
b) Detail the trade reforms being followed in India since 1991 and mention the reasons for the same.
c) Why are tax amnesty schemes introduced? Are you in favour of them?
Q.6 Answer the following in about 20 words each (10X2 = 20)

a) What is microfinance?
b) informal economy
c) What is `munis’?
d) Janani Suraksha Yojana
e) What is Nikkie?
f)What is frictional unemployment?
g)Green box subsidy
h) Full float of rupee
i) What is a backward area?
j)What is wild cat strike?
k) What is `high powered money’?
l)What is the relation between National Development Council and Planning Commission?
m) What are SDRs?
n) Define social safety net
o) What is poverty gap?
Q.7 Answer any two of the following (Answer to each question should in about 150 words) (150/15X2=30)

a) What is your view on the statement that India’s foreign policy is mainly driven by economic factors?
b) Why did the war in Lebanon break out? What was India’s response?
c) What are the main factors bringing India and Myanmar together?
Q. 8

Answer the following (Answer to each question should be in about 20 words) (20/5X2=30)

a) East Asia Summit
b) Theme of the latest meet of the World Economic Forum
d) What are rules of origin?
e) What is a least developed country?
Q.9. Answer the following by expanding and explaining their objectives (Answer to each question should be in about 20 words):

a)One China policy
b) IBSA Forum
d) Hamas
Q.10. Answer any one of the following (Answer should be in about 250 words):

a) What is cryogenic engine? Why is it important?
b) What are stem cells? Discuss their benefits. What is the controversy?
Q.11. Answer any TWO of the following (Answer to each question should be in about 150 words (150/15X2=30)

a) What do you know of nanotechnology and its uses? State the initiatives in India
b) What is Conditional Access System(CAS)?
c) Why is Pluto degraded from its status as a planet?
Q.12. Answer the following (in about 20 words): (5X2=10)

a) Param Padma
b)open source soft ware
c) XML language
e) Java

Indian Economy
Indian Civil Services
Mains Examination 2005

Model Questions for 150 and 250 words each*

1. Discuss the tax reforms that have been taken up as a part of the New Economic Policy .

What is being done to increase the tax-GDP ratio?


Discuss the changing contribution of the direct and indirect taxes to the total tax collections of the Union Government.


Examine the rationale for Value Added Tax. How does it benefit the economy?


Elaborate on the rural credit structure in India and the new initiatives to strengthen it.


Why does the Reserve Bank of India maintain foreign exchange reserves?


What is RBI’s exchange rate policy?


Do you think devaluation of the currency is the right strategy for promoting exports?


What is India’s interest in General Agreement on Trade in Services(GATS)?


Appreciate the significance of the main amendments made to the Indian Patents Law recently.


Discuss the need for and the main provisions of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005.


What does the National Common Minimum Programme say about Public Sector enterprises?


What are the main reforms in the Public Sector Enterprises undertaken as a part of the New Economic Policy?


Do you think stock markets are a barometer of the economy?


What is being done to widen the tax base ?


Discuss the Tenth Plan strategy to achieve growth with equity and social justice.


What is the need for power sector reforms? Mention the main elements of the National Electrity Policy 2005.


What is the role of trade unions in a liberalizing economy like ours?


How can we boost national savings rate?


Why is agriculture important to national economy?


What are the main aspects of the Foreign Trade Policy 2004-2009?


What is the rationale for Foreign Direct Investment? Briefly state India’s FDI policy.


What are the capital market reforms made in India as a part of the liberalization strategy?


Discuss the changing relation between the Government and market in India .

25. What are the main trade policy reforms being followed to boost exports?

For Two Marks Each


Reverse repo


National Advisory Council


What is the difference between microfinance and microcredit?


Lorenz curve


What is Say’s law?


Unorganised labour


Central sales tax


What is `direct’ in foreign direct investment?


What are `gilts’?


What is `Dow Jones’?




What is populism?


Exit policy


What is Doha Development Round


Social safety net


Informal economy


Non-Banking Finance Company


Blue chip company


What is dividend?


What is corporate tax


What is sensex?


What is a small scale /medium enterprise?


Pension reform


Single window


Currency peg.

*These issues are certainly the most important ones that the nation is confronting. Candidates are expected to be clear about the various theoretical and policy dimensions regarding them.

Indian Polity
Indian Civil Services
Mains Examination 2005

Model Questions for 150 and 250 words each*

1. Differentiate between due process of law and procedure established by law with reference to protection of right to life and personal liberty.

What is the relationship between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy as it evolved till today?


Discuss the significance of the concept of `basic structure’ of the Constitution.


What is the Constitutional method of amendment of the Indian Constitution? Do you think it is rigid enough to protect the essence of the Constitution?


What are the major demands of the States for their autonomy? Are they justified?


Discuss the recommendations of the Twelfth Finance Commission.


What are the important powers of the Supreme Court of India?


What do you understand by `judicial activism’?


Elaborate on judicial review with reference to the Indian Constitution.


What are the discretionary powers of the Governor? Does President of India enjoy such powers?


How does the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act 2003 enhance parliamentary control over Government finances?


What are the instruments of parliamentary control over the financial system?


Write on the need for Public Accounts Committee/Estimates Committee.


What are the privileges and immunities of the members of Parliament? Do they override Fundamental Rights?


Is there a case for Presidential democracy in India today?


Why do hung parliaments recur ? How can we ensure stability in the era of coalitions?


What is regionalism? Discuss its impact on federalism.


How does the Election Commission define national political party and state party?


What is the role of Inter State Council in fostering cooperative federalism?


Why are the Zonal Councils created? Mention their composition and functions.


Differentiate between Planning Commission and Finance Commission of India.


What safeguards are provided to ensure that the ordinance making powers of the President are exercised as the Constitution envisages?


What is delegated legislation? How is its abuse sought to be minimized?


What is the need for fresh delimitation of constituencies for the assemblies and Lok Sabha? Mention the important features of the process set in motion by the 87th Amendment Act.


In recent years, criminalization of politics is noticed as a problem on the Indian democracy. Explain its causes and suggest remedies.

26. What are the main features of the Right to Information Act passed by the parliament in May 2004? What is its significance?

For Two Marks Each

1. Mulki

Meaning of Art.1 – Union of States




How is a UPSC member removed


Doctrine of pleasure


Office of profit


Rule of law




Example of what is not `deemed an amendment.


Affirmative action


Protem speaker


What is impeachment


Vote on account


Vote of credit


Ex post facto laws


Linguistic minority


Security deposit


List system


Court of record


Contempt of court


What is the difference between breach of privilege and contempt of house?


Doctrine of prospective overruling


Difference between separation of powers and division of powers.


Difference between federal and unitary governments.


What are personal laws


What is a scheduled area?


How many languages are there in the Eighth Schedule?


What are vertical imbalances as the Finance Commission sees them??


What is the main function of National Development Council?


88th Amendment Act


Composition of Delimitation Commission






What is a floor test?


What is a casting vote?


Why does the Vice President draw his salary as the Chairman of Rajya Sabha?




Why is there no joint sitting in case of a disagreement regarding the passage of amendment Act?


What is profession tax? What is the unique feature about it?


What is the main function of Estimates Committee?


What is petitions committee


Who is a private member of Parliament


Rule 184


what is a select committee


standing committee


consultative committee


what is ninth schedule




What is the difference between FRs and other rights?

Party system
New definition of national and state party
Supreme court and rule of law
Supreme court and social justice
Judiciary and legislature
Judiciary and executive
There has been demand for the formation of new states. Why? What is the response of the Government?
Right to information act
Inter state river water disputes
Constitutional provisions for tribal protection and welfare.- 5th and 6th schedules.


I. Answer any ONE of the following. 1 x 30 = 30.

What were the reasons for the emergence of Left Wing within the Congress ? Assess the role of congress socialist party in the freedom struggle ?


What were the Cripps proposals ? Why were they rejected by the Congress ?

(250 marks)
II. Answer any TWO of the following (About 150 words each). 15 x 2 = 30.
1. What were the Major Lower Caste Movements in Madras and Bombay Presidencies ? Discuss the achievements of the Home Rule Movement. To what extent it was successful ?

Discuss the aims and objectives of the Home Rule Movement. To what extent it was successful ?


What was Wavell Plan ? What were the reasons for the failure of Simla Conference ?

III. Write about the following (About 20 words each). 15 x 2 = 30.
1. Kabir

Akshay Kumar Datta


Deccan school of architecture


Nandalal Bose


Thomus Munro


Deccan riots


Atmiya Sabha


Deoband Movement


Santhal uprising


Communal Award


Two nation Theory


Veerapandya Kattabaomman


Young Bengal Movement


Ilbert Bill


Scholarship Scheme


I. Answer ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING (About 250 words). 1 x 30 = 30
1. What were the reasons for the emergence of Revolutionary Terrorism in the Freedom Struggle ? Discuss the terrorist activities in Bombay. Bengal and madras presidencies ?


What were the recommendations of the Cabinet Mission Plan ? In what way the “Grouping pattern” was different from the Right of Self Determination ?


Answer ANY TWO of the following (About 150 words each). 15 x 2 = 30.


What was the social programme of the Bramho Samaj ? Discuss it’s achievements.


What were the major recommendations of Motilal Nehru Committee Report ?

Why was it rejected by M.A. Jinnoh ?


Discuss the role of I.N.A in the National Movement ?


Write about the following. (About 20 words each). 15 x 2 = 30.

1. Varaha Mihira

N.M. Joshi


Akali Movement


Mirja Galib


Aruna Asaf Ali


Sir William Jhones


Acharya Nagarjuna


E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker


Ustad Mansoor


Mahatma Jyothiba Phule


Maulvi Ahmadullah


Jatin Das


Lord Macaulay


Indigo Revolt




I. Q.A. Changes in the Indian Polity and Economy after the World War I :-
1. The Economic depression affected the working classes and peasantry alike.

Soviet Russia Revolution 1917 an inspiring factor for the intellectuals of Modern India - Socialism appeared to be an alternative ideology for most of the intellectuals like M.N. Roy etc.


Existing Congress leadership disgusted the working classes and the peasantry alike - alternative leadership was required.


Within the Congress party, the failure of Non-Cooperation Movement led a split - Bose and Nehru were disenchanted with Satyagraha Movement.

5. Practical Conditions also satisfied the growth of left movement - Already by that time the labour class unions were formed.


Organised anti Zamindari Movements independently from the Congress Party.


Insisted on passing the resolution on land reforms.

3. Organised under ground activities during the Quit India Movement when the movement became a leader less one.



Dominion Status to India after the World War II.


Constitutional Assembly for drafting a new constitution after the World War II.


Right of self-determination was granted to the princely states and provinces.


A federal government with British India and Princely States.


The defence portfolio remains with the Viceroy, Congress rejected the proposals for

1. No time bound plan
2. Right of self-determination harmful to national interests
3. Defence portfolio continue to be with the Viceroy.


a. Justice Party, self-respect movement, ANDPY, Nair Welfare Society, Praja

Mitra Mandal in Madras Presidency.

In Bombay Presidency - Satya Shodak Samaj of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule.

Bombay presidency depressed Class Mission Society of Shinde.

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Mahad Satyagraha etc.

Achievements :

1. Movements became well organized ones.
2. Secured representation in the form of separate Communal electorates under Communal Award 1932.


Objectives of Home Rule Movement :

1. Securing self-governance to India

2. Promote the idea of Native Education

Assessment :

1. The movement succeeded in getting Dyarchy under 1919 Montague Chelmsford Reforms.
2. A new leadership in the form of Motilal Nehru, Indulala Yagnik etc.
3. The idea of Native Education continued to be an item in the agenda of congress party.


Wavell plan and Simla Conference :

Suggested by Lord Wavell to end the constitutional deadlock. It proposed for,


1. Leaving the Viceroy’s Executive Council completely incharge if Indians, except the post of Commander-in-Chief.
2. Equal representation to Hindus and Muslims in the Executive Council.
3. Simla Conference failed because the league insisted that it should choose among the Muslim members of the Executive Council.

III. 1. Kabir :- Disciple of Ramananda, promoted universal religion popular for his secular attitude and his sayings called Dohas.

2. Akshay Kumar Datta - the first Marxist social scientist to study the Indian society in terms of class.

3. Deccan School of Architecture also called Vasara School of architecture patronized by Badami Chalukyas found in Aihole, pattadakal and badami. 4. Nandalal Bose : a popular Modern Indian painter.

5. Thomas Munro : Principal Collector of ceded Districts introduced Ryotwari in system in Madras presidency and promoted equally education popular and Markandeya Muni.

6. Deccan Riots 1875 in the Ahamed Nagar and Pune districts of Bombay presidency against Marvari money lenders. Under Vasudev Balwanth Phadke, they became violent and ended with the Deccan Peasants Relief Act 1879.

7. Atmiya Sabha the first social reform organisation of Raja Rammohan Roy founded in 1815 at Calcutta to promote studies of on Upanishads.

8. Deoband Mont : Founded by Moulana Hussain Ahamad in 1866 also called Dar-ul-ulm, a secular movement with personalities like Moulana Abul Kalam Azad.

9. Santhal uprising 1854-56 in the Rajmahal hills of Bihar against the British land revenue policy and the exploitation of contractors and money lenders. Led by Siddhu and Kanhu, Santhals defeated General Borrough and declared the formation of the first independent tribal kingdom in India it inspired even 1857 Revolt.

10. Communal Award 1932 announced by British Prime Minister Ramsay Mc Donald provided for separate communal electorates to the depressed classes on the demand of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.

11. Two Nation Theory introduced by M.A. Jinnah provided ideological basis for the demand of Muslim League for a separate state called Pakistan in the Lahore Session 1940. According to it Hindus and Muslims constitute. The separate nations and hence cannot coexist in one soil.

12. Veerapandya Kattabommam the Jamindari of panchala Kurichchi in Tamilnadu organized a rebellion against the British land revenue policy during the years 1792-97.

13. Young Bengal Movement started by Henry Vivan Derogis in 1824. It inspired most of the young Bengal intellectuals and generated awareness on social semmic issues.

14. Ilbert Bill introduced by law member in the executive council of Viceroy and Rippon in 1884 intended to provide equality before law by allowing Indian Judges to prosecute the English Criminals. The failure of the Bill served the cause of promoting nationalism.

15. Scholarship scheme was introduced by Lord Mayo to enable the meritorious Indians appearing for Civil Service Exams held in London.


Q.1. Reasons for the emergence of Revolutionary Terrorism :- During the latter half of the 19th century political consciousness of the people had been growing steadily. By the turn of the century, the general mood of discontent had spread to the rural gentry, the peasantry and the workers. It is not surprising, therefore, that the moderate leaders who went on pleading with the Government for reform were beginning to be less and less popular. The situation threw up a large number of new leaders who were more radical in their demands and who believed in a more militant from of nationalism. It resulted in the rise of Extremism within the Congress and the of Terrorism outside it. The primary causes of this militant nationalism.

a. Recognition of the true nature of British Rule: Politically conscious Indians were convinced that the purpose of British rule was to enrich England at the cost of India. The evil economic consequences of foreign rule were symbolized in the eyes of the people by the disastrous famines occurring between 1896 to 1900. The political events also disappointed the nationalists. In 1898 a law was passed making it an offence to preach Nationalism. The Indian Universities Act of 1904 was seen by the nationalists as an attempt to bring Indian universities under tighter official control and to check the growth of higher education.

b. Growth of self-respect and self-confidence: Leaders like Tilak and Bipan Chandra Pal preached the message of self-respect and asked the nationalists to rely on the character and capacities of the Indian people.

c. Growth of education and unemployment: By the end of the 19th century, the number of educated Indians had increased perceptibly. Large numbers of them worked in the administration of extremely low salaries while many others increasingly faced unemployment. Many of them were attracted by radical nationalist politics.

d. International influence: The rise of modern Japan after 1868 showed that a backward Asian country could develop itself without Western control The defeat of the Italian army by the Ethiopians in 1896 and of Russia by Japan in 1905 exploded the myth of European superiority Revolutionary movements in Ireland and Russia, Egypt, Turkey and China and the Boer War in South Africa convinced the Indians that a united people willing to make sacrifices could challenge even the most powerful of despotic governments.

e. Existence of a militant nationalist school of thought: >From almost the beginning of the national movement a school of militant nationalism had existed, represented by leaders like Rajnarain Bose and Aswini Kumar Dutta in Bengal and Vishnu Shastri Chiplunkar in Maharashtra.


a. In 1987 Chapekar Brothers Damodar and Balakrishna assassinated two unpopular British Officers called Ayerste and Rand in Puna for their indifference.

b. In 1899 Mitramela a Terrorist Organisation, 1st one of its kind India was founded by Savarkar Brothers.

c. Savarkar Brothers also founded another terrorist organisation called Abhinava Bharata in 1907. They were arrested under Nasik conspiracy case.


1. Anushilan Samithi was the first terrorist organisation in Bengal Presidency founded by Barindra Kumar Ghosh, jatindranath Banerji and Pramotha Mitter in 1902. ‘Anushilan Samiti’ of Dacca was founded by Pulin Das in 1902. These were the first revolutionary secret societies in Bengal.

2. In 1919 Surya Sen founded The Hindustan Peoples Republican Party.

3. Unsuccessful attempt on the life of the Lt. Governor of East Bengal (Fuller) by Barindrakumar Ghosh and Bhupendranath Dutta in 1906.

4. Kennedy murders in 1908 by Khudiram Basu and Prafulla Chaki, though the original target in this the sadistic judge of Muzffarpur, Kingsford, escaped unhurt. (Many revolutionaries, including Aurobindo Chosh, were arrested by the British immediately after the Kennedy murders),

5. Seizure of the Chittagong armoury by revojutionaries under Surya Sen in 1930, and the issuing of an Independence Proclamation in the name of the ‘Indian Republican Army’.

6. Arrest of Surya Sen in 1933 and his execution soon after.


Bharathamatha Sangam was the popular Terrorist Organisation in Madras Presidency founded by Subrahmanya Shivam and Neelakanta Brahmachary in 1908. It involved in the assassination of the District Collector Aash.


1. The unity of India had to be retained.

2. The demand for Pakistan, as demanded by the Muslim League, was rejected on the ground that it would not solve the communal minority problem. In addition, partition would create many serious problems in defence, communications and other areas.

3. There was to be a Union of India, consisting of the British Provinces and the Princely States. The Union Government and its Legislature were to have limited powers, dealing with only defence, foreign affairs, and communications. The Union would have the powers necessary to raise the finances to manage these subjects.

4. All subjects other than the Union subjects and all residuary powers would vest in the Provinces.

5. The Princely States would retain all subjects and all residuary powers other than those ceded to the Union.

6. The Constitutions-making body or the Constituent Assembly would be formed of representatives of Provincial Assemblies and the princely States. Each Province was to be allotted a total number of seats in proportion to its population, roughly in the ratio of one representative to a million population. The Constituent Assembly was to consists of 293 members from the British Provinces and 93 members from the Princely States.

7. The Provinces were grouped into three categories – A,B and C. Group A was to consist of Madras, United Provices, Bihar, Central Provinces and Orissa; Group B was to comprise (the Muslim-majority areas) of the Punjab, Sind, NWFP and Baluchistan; Group C was to include Bengal and Assam(where the Muslims had small majority over the rest). This measure of the Cabinet Mission was unique and also the most controversial. The grouping of Provinces was devised to satisfy the Muslim League, so as to give it a “substance of Pakistan” to exercise almost complete autonomy in the Muslim-majority provinces.

The Right of Self Determination was a provision first accorded to the princely States under Crips proposals. In the context of the Cabinet Mission Plan first it provided for unity of India, denied the very idea of Pakistan but provided for autonomy to the provinces where Muslims constituted the majority. The Right of Self Determination does not imply division of India in any manner.

Q. II. A. The social programme of the Bramho Samaj included; 1. emancipation of women 2. Eradication of social evils 3. To demand for progressive education 4. To create awareness on Social, economic and political issues.

Its achievements included, 1. At the instance of Bramho Samaj, the custom of sati was abolished in 1829 by Lord William Bentink 2. English became the official medium of instruction.

3. The Samag organized the movements against issues like trail of Jury and for civil liberties. 4. It continued to inspire many socio-religious reform movements of modern India.

B. The Motilal Nehru Committee submitted its report in August 1928 first envisaged that the countries new constitution would rest on the solid base of dominion status.

Its other recommendations were a. The lower houses in the central legislature and the provincial councils consist of members elected by joint mixed electorates with reservation of seats for Muslims at the center and such provinces where they constituted a minority, and, similarly, reservation of seats for Hindus in the North-West Frontier province;

b. That there should be no reservation of seats for Muslims in the Punjab and Bengal;

c. That the reservation of seats should be on the basis of population and for a fixed period of 10 years; communities whose seats were reserved were to have the right to contest additional seats;

d. That adult universal suffrage was to be provided;

e. That Sind and Karnataka were to be separate provinces;

f. That lists of subjects on which the central and provincial governments were to exercise authority were to be provided in the schedules.

It was rejected by Jinnah for:

1. It was against the spirit of Lucknow Pact 1916.

2. The Report had denied separate communal electorates to the Muslims.

Q. C. The I.N.A played commendable role in the National Movement.

1. It inspired the freedom struggle and provided leadership to the 1942 Quit India Movement from outside when the movement became a leader less one.

2. It succeeded in making the issue of India’s freedom an international issue.

3. its commandership set a brilliant example of communal harmony and secular outlook.

4. The trail of I.N.A officers continued to inspire the spirit of India’s freedom struggle.

Q. III. Write about the following:

1. Varahamihira – a great astrologer in the court of Chandragupta Vikramaditya II of the Guptas and was the author of Brihat Jataka Brihat Samhita and Pancha Siddanta.

2. N.M. Joshi a pioneer of Trade Union Movement in modern India founded A.I.T.U.C and also social service league.

3. The Akali movement was against the misuse of the Sikh Gurudwaras by the Mahanths or the Sikh Priests. It ended with the Sikh Gurudwara Act 1925 according to which S.G.P.C was created.

4. Mirzal Ghalib considered as father of Modern Persian and Urdu Poetry popular for brilliantly written letter reflecting the society, of his times. He recorded the events of 1857 Revolt in his book Dastambo. His poetic ideas also reflected an universal outlook.

5. Aruna Asaf Ali was one the founder of the congress Socialist party founded in 1933 During the course of the Quit India Movement along with Jayaprakash Narayan she organized underground activities.

6. Sir William Jhones founder of the Royal Asiatic society in Calcutta to promote studies on Orientalism and Sanskrit learning.

7. Acharya Nagarjuna was the greatest scholar on Buddhism. Founded Mahayana Buddhism and also philosophy called Sunyavada.

8. E.V. Rama Swamy Naicker popular as Periyar founded the Self Respect Movement advocated marriages without priests. Founded the Journal Kudi Arasu to promote his ideas.

9. Ustand Mansoor the greatest painter in the court of Jahangir popular as the Raphel of the East.

10. Mahatma Jyotibaphule, pioneer of the lower caste movements in Bombay presidency founded Satyashodak Samaj and also wrote Gulamgiri and Sarvajanika Satya Dharmardhak Pustak.

11. Maului Ahamadulla a Wahabi activist organized the revolt against the British during 1857 Revolt at Faizabad.

12. Jatin Das a popular revolutionary terrorist arrested by the British under Lahore conspiracy case. He started the 63 days famous hunger strike for the better treatment of political prisoners at the Lahore jail and became a martyr.

13. Lord Macaulay, the first law member in the Executive Council drafted the famous Macualay Minute that made English medium of instruction and also introduced the Rule of law and Equality before law.

14. The Indigo Revolt 1858 - 60 was against the unjust Tinkatiya system in Indigo cultivation organized by the peasantry at Jessore, and Nadia in West Bengal and Darbanga in Bihar under the leadership of Bishnu Charan Biswas and Digambar Biswas. It was the 1st Satyagraha Movement in Modern India.

15. Mitramela, or terrorist organization founded by Savarkar Brothers was the 1st terrorist organisation in India.

Civil Services Main Examination
General Studies
Model Paper
Paper I

Q. 1 Answer any ONE of the following (in about 250 words each) (250/30)

Critically analyse the contribution of Swarjists to the freedom movement.

b) What are the major differences between Mountbatten Plan and Cabinet Mission and what was the Muslim League and Congress reaction to them?
Q.2 Answer any TWO of the following (in about 150 words each) (150/15)

Discuss the reasons for the failure of Round Table Conferences.

b) Civil Disobedience Movement is a milestone in Indian Freedom struggle. Comment
c) Trace the growth of Home Rule Movement in India.
Q.3 Write about the following (not exceeding 20 words each). (20/15X2=30)
a) Rigveda

Perala Cherala incident

c) Swetambara
d) Ali brothers
e) Moplah Uprisings
f) M N Roy
g) Sir Thomus Munro
h) Satya Sodhak Samaj
i) E V Ramaswamy Naicker
j) Veerapandya Kattabommam
k) N M Joshi
l) William Jones
m) Montegue Chemsford Reforms
n) Pattabhi Sitaramaiah
o) Ilbert Bill
Q.4 Answer any TWO of the following (in about 125 words each) ; (125/10X2=20)
a) Discuss the elements of Disaster Management Policy in India.

What are the steps taken by the Government to promote sustainable development in the country?


Importance of Sethusamudram Project


Write short notes on the following (in about 20 words each): (20/5X2=10)




Agro climatic zone


Project Tiger


Man and Biosphere Programme


National Highway Development Programme

Q.7 Answer any ONE of the following (in about 250 words): (250/30)

Inter State Council helps in improving the relations between the Centre and States. Discuss


Critically analyse the demands for creation of new states.

Q. 8

Answer any TWO of the following (in about 150 words): (150/15X2=30)


Do you think the Indian presidency is a ceremonial institution? Substantiate your answer.


Of late, the position of Governor has been politicised. Analyse the reasons behind and suggest measures.


What are the main features of Right to Information Act passed by the Parliament?

Q.9. Answer the following in about 20 words each (20/5X2=10)
a) First Past the Post System

Constructive Vote of No Confidence




Uniform Civil Code


Privileges of Members of Parliament

Q.10. Write on any ONE of the following (in about 250 words) : (250/30)
a) Left-wing Naxalism is posing a threat to the internal security of the nation. Account for its emergence and discuss measures taken by the government to control it.

What major changes do you propose to strengthen the United Nations in its responsibility to secure international peace and security?

Q.11. Write on any TWO of the following (in about 125 words): (250/30)
a) Drug Abuse in India is a serious problem. Explain the steps taken by the government to eradicate it.

What are Millennium Development Goals? What is India’s position in achieving them?


Discuss the measures of the government towards gender empowerment .

Q.12. Write on any TWO of the following (in about 125 words): (250/30)
a) Briefly discuss the National Population Policy.

What are the main features of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005?


What are stem cells? How are they useful? State the controversy.

Q.13. Write about the following (in about 20 words each) : (20/5X2=20)

National Human Rights Commission




C R Irani


Gender budgeting

Civil Services
Main Examination 2005
General Studies
Model Paper
Paper 2

Q. 1 Answer any two of the following (Not more than 150 words each) (150/15X2=30)

Explain India’s position on the developments in Nepal.

b) What are the respective commitments of India and the USA under the nuclear cooperation programme agreed to in July 2005 during the visit of Prime Minister Dr.Man Mohan Singh to the USA. Mention the criticism.
Q.2 Answer the following (Answer to each question should be in about 20 words) : (20/5X2=10)

Diego Garcia

b) Nuclear deterrence
c) Nathula Pass
d) What is LOC?
e) When and where is East Asia summit is going to be held? How is it important to India?

Q.3 Answer the following (Answer to each question should be in about 20 words) : (20/5X2=10)
a) What is L1 visa?

What is the main function of the newly created Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs

c) What is FCNR(B) account ?
d) India Caucus
e) What is Overseas Corporate Body ?

Q.4 Answer any ONE of the following (in about 250 words each ) : (250/30)
a) What are the steps of the Government to restructure the Public Sector Enterprises in India and why?

What are the main recommendations of 12th Finance Commission?


Answer any TWO of the following (in 150 words each )


What are the benefits of Value Added Tax( VAT) being introduced in the country?


Discuss the importance of the Small Scale Industries in India. What is being done to make them competitive?


What are the tax reforms being undertaken in India to widen the tax base?

Q.6 Answer the following in about 20 words each (10X2 = 20)

What is microcredit?


Giffen goods

c) What are the six areas of Bharat Nirman?
d) Merit and Non Merit Subsidies
e) What is sensex?
f) What is Dutch disease?
g) What is the Tax/GDP ratio expected for the fiscal year 2005-2006?
h) Significance of Cancun Ministerial Meet of the WTO
i) Pareto optimality
j) What is the minimum strength of the workforce of an industrial unit to form a trade union?

Q.7 Answer any two of the following (Answer to each question should in about 150 words) (150/15X2=30)
a) Discuss the need for reforms in United Nations and India’s case for UN Security Council seat.
b) Explain the relevance of Non Aligned Movement in the Unipolar world?
c) What are the main factors bringing India and Japan together?

Q. 8

Answer the following (Answer to each question should be in about 20 words) (20/5X2=30)


Mekong Ganga Cooperation


World Economic Forum


India’s policy towards Sri Lanka’s ethnic problem

d) When will SAFTA come into effect and why?
e) What is a least developed country?

Q.9. Answer the following by expanding and explaining their objectives (Answer to each question should be in about 20 words):







One Country Two Systems

f) Sakhalin

Q.10. Answer any one of the following (Answer should be in about 250 words):
a) Why is nuclear energy important to India? In this context, state the 3 stage nuclear power development programme in India.

What are stem cells? Discuss their benefits. What is the controversy?

Q.11. Answer any TWO of the following (Answer to each question should be in about 150 words (150/15X2=30)
a) What do you know of nanotechnology and its uses? State the initiatives in India?

Why is iodised salt important in India?


What is cryogenic engine in space technology? What is its significance?

Q.12. Answer the following (in about 20 words): (5X2=10)
a) Param Padma

open source soft ware


Fibre optics

d) broadband
e) Jawa

a) If two dice are thrown what is the probability that the sum is

(a) Greater than 8 and (b) neither 7 nor 11

‘In an examination, 500 students appeared of which 40% were girls. Of these, 100 students including 20 girls were declared to be unsuccessful. Among those who were successful, 20 % were placed in third division while 10% got first division. The remaining students were placed in second division of which half were boys. No girl, however, got first division.’ Represent the above information in a suitable tabular form.

Q.14. The number of overtime hours worked by 1000 employees of a company during the last six months is as follows’.

Overtime (hrs)
No of employees
Overtime (hrs)
No of employees
0-20 401 100-120 38
20-40 226 120-140 20
40-60 182 140-160 9
60-80 74 160-180 5
80-100 43 180-200 2

What is the percentage of employees having worked less than 40 overtime hours during these months?
a) What is the percentage of employees having worked for at least 40 overtime hours but less than 100 overtime hours?

b) A certain company offered its shares, of par-value of Rs. 120 at a premium of Rs. 20. In the following years a dividend of 21% was declared by the company. Find the rate of interest at the hands of the investor.

a) The average of 11 observations is 80. The mean of the first seven observations is 50 and that of the last three observations is 82. Find the value of the sixth observations.
b) A company increased its production 10 times during a period of 3 years. What is the percentage increase per year.
c) The price of a commodity fell by 30% and then rose by 40%. By what amount the current price is more/less than the original price.

The mean of marks obtained in an examination by a group of 100 students was found to be 47.58. The mean of the marks obtained in the same examination by another group of 200 students was 63.25. Find the mean of the marks obtained by both the groups taken together.

Important Questions in Science and Technology

Q. 1 Significance of Cryogenic engine in the GSLV.
Q.2 Self-reliance in India’s space programme
Q.3 Fast Breedor reactor in Kalpakkam( Tamil Nadu)
Q.4 Need for nuclear energy

Param Padma

Q.6 Kyoto Protocol and India
Q.7 Cloning: Its benefits .Ethical and social issue involved
Q. 8


Q.9. Ozone layer being breached and the international response, Montreal Protocol
Q.10. Nanotechnology
Q.11. Stem cells- embryonic and adult
Q.12. Iodine deficiency disorders

Civil Services Main Examination 2005
General Studies
Important Questions*

India and Her Neighbors &
International Affairs

Q. 1 What are the reasons for Israel to disengage from Gaza ?
Q.2 What are the binding factors in the Indo-Iran relations. Discuss with reference to recent developments?
Q.3 In what ways is India helping Afghanistan and why?
Q.4 What are the confidence building measures that India and Pakistan are pursuing?

Why was Wagah in news recently?

Q.6 Which commodity did Pakistan decide to import from India to stabilize prices at home?
Q.7 State the roadmap to Constitutional governance in Iraq. What are the road blocks?
Q. 8

India says that the approach to global terrorism should not be `selective’. What does it mean?

Q.9. What are the various modes in GATS of WTO? Evaluate India’s interests in it.
Q.10. What is Bandung conference known for?
Q.11. It is said that SAFTA has a greater chance of coming into force from 2006 when compared to earlier attempts. Do you agree? Substantiate yourself.
Q.12. Examine India’s relations with West Asian countries.
Q.13. What was the outcome of the NPT review conference held in New York recently?
Q.14. What is the basis of India-China-Russia trilateral cooperation? Where was the foreign ministers meet held recently?
Q.15. Place in perspective- according to International Law- the occupation of Iraq by the Coalition of the Willing led by the USA in 2003.
Q.16. What are the reasons behind India and China becoming friendly?

For 2 marks each( about 20 words each)

  • What is oil diplomacy?
  • What is intifada?
  • Significance of Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus
  • What are the objectives of Commonwealth countries
  • What is Turkey’s status in European Union?
  • How many countries are there in NATO today?
  • Why does Pakistan deny us MFN status?
  • What is India’s position on Kashmir?
  • What is AGPL?
  • What are the six-way talks?
  • Why was Irish Republican Army in news recently?
  • African Union
  • Shanghai Cooperation Organization
  • What is a cbm?
  • What is energy security?
  • Non-nato ally
  • Japan’s peace constitution
  • Economic diplomacy
  • Asean + 3
  • Boao Forum for Asia (BFA)
  • Xinjiang
  • Unilateralism
  • Hegemony
  • Multipolarity
  • Internationalism
  • Diego Garcia
  • Subic bay
  • Spratly islands
  • North sea
  • Paracel islands
  • Non-alignment
  • Bandung
  • Significance of pokhran 2
  • What is a strategic Strategic dialogue
  • Psi

*These are the questions over and above those given in the Question Paper-II

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